£40 FOR 1 HOUR
Benefit: Provides deep relaxation, stress reduction, pain reduction and promotes general health and well-being. As well as helping many physical ailments, Reiki can also help change negative mental habits.
What to expect in a treatment: Reiki energy flows through the Practitioner's hands into the recipient balancing the body's energy system through the Chakras (energy centres) reinforcing the body's natural ability to heal itself on all levels.
In a Reiki treatment, I gently place my hands non-intrusively on or near the main energy points on the body (crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base Chakras as well as the arms, hands, knees and feet).
The recipient is fully clothed and lies on a couch or sits on a chair.
Clients may or may not feel certain sensations during treatments
(e.g. heat, cold, tingles, pressure etc or they may not feel any sensations at all).
Venue: Either at your own home on a date/time to suit you or at a local therapy room.
Bookings: Call/message 07708 301955 or email

£40 FOR 1 HOUR
Benefit: Provides deep relaxation, stress reduction, pain reduction, promotes general health & well-being, as well as helping many physical ailments.
What to expect in a treatment: In a Crystal Therapy treatment, I dowse my selection of crystals which are chosen specifically for your body’s individual requirements. The crystals are then placed on or near the main energy points on the body (crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base Chakras as well as the hands, feet and in the auric field if required).
The recipient is fully clothed and lies on a couch.
Clients may or may not feel certain sensations during treatments (e.g. heat, cold, tingles, pressure etc or they may not feel any sensations at all).
Venue: Either at your own home on a date/time to suit you or at a local therapy room.
Bookings: Call/message 07708 301955 or email

£45 FOR 1 HOUR
Benefit: A powerful and deep treatment providing relaxation, stress reduction, pain reduction as well as promoting general health & well-being.
What to expect in a treatment: A Crystal Reiki treatment requires an hourly session where the recipient will receive Reiki whilst specifically chosen crystals for your individual needs are placed on or near the main energy points on the body (crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base Chakras). The use of crystals whilst receiving Reiki amplifies the energy of the crystals, giving a more powerful and deeper treatment.
The recipient is fully clothed and lies on a couch.
Clients may or may not feel certain sensations during treatments
(e.g. heat, cold, tingles, pressure etc or they may not feel any sensations at all).
Venue: Either at your own home on a date/time to suit you or at a local therapy room.
Bookings: Call/message 07708 301955 or email